Monica Richey, NP: Future Roles of APPS in Rheumatology and Dermatology
Monica discusses the future of APPs in the rheumatology space and how these clinicians may fill a shortage of rheumatologists in rural areas in the coming years and how rheumatology APPs can collaborate with dermatology practitioners.
Lawrence Green, MD: Safety Considerations for Systemic Therapies
Dr. Green reviews important lab monitoring guidance and other safety considerations for patients being treated with systemic therapies, mainly for psoriasis.
Lawrence Green, MD: Topicals Overview for the Rheumatologist
Dr. Green reviews the most important information for rheumatologists to know about topical treatments for psoriasis.
Dhiman Basu, MD: Bimekizumab for Psoriatic Arthritis, Non-radiographic Axial Spondyloarthritis, and Ankylosing Spondylitis
Dr. Basu, a Texas-based rheumatologist, reviews data on a newly approved agent for PSA, nr‐axSpa, and AS.
George Han, MD, PhD: Phototherapy and Topical Therapy Update
Dr. Han discusses a variety of new topicals for the treatment of psoriasis as well as the LITE study, which compared the efficacy of in-office and home phototherapy.