Jaqueline Watchmaker, MD: Personal Perspectives
Dr. Watchmaker discusses her own experience using a novel serum (Mystro Active Balance Serum; Skinbetter Science) in patients looking to improve erythema and their post-procedure regimen.
Jaqueline Watchmaker, MD: Improving Overall Skin Quality
Dr. Watchmaker reviews a multi-center study that evaluated the ability of a novel serum (Mystro Active Balance Serum; Skinbetter Science) to improve the overall quality of the skin.
Jaqueline Watchmaker, MD: Optimizing Post-procedural Skincare
Dr. Watchmaker reviews encouraging results from a clinical study that evaluated the compatibility of a novel serum (Mystro Active Balance Serum; Skinbetter Science) for use with patients undergoing non-ablative fractional laser treatments and medium depth chemical peels.
Jaqueline Watchmaker, MD: Patient-reported Outcomes in Clinical Skincare Research
Dr. Watchmaker discusses patient-report outcomes from a study that evaluated a novel serum (Mystro Active Balance Serum; Skinbetter Science), where patients reported decreased pore visibility and skin greasiness as well as high patient satisfaction reported throughout the study.
Jaqueline Watchmaker, MD: Clinical Outcomes in Skincare Research
Dr. Watchmaker shares statistically significant results from a clinical trial that assessed the ability of a novel serum (Mystro Active Balance Serum; Skinbetter Science) to improve redness, texture, dullness, pore size, and uneven pigmentation in the skin.