COVID-19 Psoriasis Webcast–Part 3: Treatment of Previously Infected Patients

Part 3 of a webcast on the management of patients with psoriasis during the COVID-19 pandemic. Drs. Strober, Gordon, Reich, and Langley discuss treating patients with psoriasis who have been diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2. Navigating treatment with biologics once a COVID-19 vaccine is available is also discussed.
COVID-19 Psoriasis Webcast–Part 4: Conducting Clinical Trials

WEBINAR: COVID-19 and Dermatology: From Cutaneous Signs to Changes in Practice.
COVID-19 Psoriasis Webcast–Part 2: Initiating Therapy for New Patients

Part 2 of a webcast on the management of patients with psoriasis during the COVID-19 pandemic. Drs. Strober, Gordon, Reich, and Langley discuss initiating therapies for new patients with psoriasis during the COVID-19 outbreak.
COVID-19 Psoriasis Webcast–Part 1: Continued Treatment with Immunosuppressive Therapies

Part 1 of a webcast on the management of patients with psoriasis during the COVID-19 pandemic. Drs. Strober, Gordon, Reich, and Langley discuss general approaches to continued treatment with immunosuppressive therapies during the pandemic.